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Honours and Minor Thesis projects

Displaying 201 - 210 of 228 honours projects.

Primary supervisor: Cagatay Goncu
Haptic Ring


Haptic ring is a wearable device that is used by people who are blind or have low vision. It provides electro-vibration feedback on different locations of users' fingers. Its primary use is to extend the user interaction with touch screens in which haptic feedback is restricted due to battery consumptions. 

Primary supervisor: Cagatay Goncu

People who are blind or have low vision (BLV) access documents using screen readers such as JAWS and NVDA. These screen readers emulates a cursor moving around the screen using arrow keys or various shortcut combinations.

Primary supervisor: David Taniar

Do you play any classical music instruments, like piano or violin? Would you like to combine your advanced music skills with computer science. This project analyses classical music using computer science techniques.

Primary supervisor: David Taniar

Do you play any classical music instruments, like piano or violin? Would you like to combine your advanced music skills with computer science. This project analyses classical music using computer science techniques.

Primary supervisor: David Taniar

Do you play any classical music instruments, like piano or violin? Would you like to combine your advanced music skills with computer science. This project analyses classical music using computer science techniques.

Primary supervisor: David Taniar

Are you interested in learning Big Data? Big Data is a multi-million industry. This project focuses on processing large data volume, including high velocity stream data.

Primary supervisor: Ron Steinfeld

Since the 1990s, researchers have known that commonly-used public-key cryptosystems (such as RSA and Diffie-Hellman systems) could be potentially broken using efficient algorithms running on a special type of computer based on the principles of quantum mechanics, known as a quantum computer. Due to significant recent advances in quantum computing technology, this threat may become a practical reality in the coming years. To mitigate against this threat, new `post-quantum’ (a.k.a.

Primary supervisor: Chakkrit Tantithamthavorn

With the rise of software systems ranging from personal assistance to the nation's facilities, software defects become more critical concerns as they can cost millions of dollars as well as impact human lives. Yet, at the breakneck pace of rapid software development settings (like CI/CD, Agile, Rapid Releases), Software Quality Assurance (QA) practices (e.g., code review and software testing) nowadays are still time-consuming.

Primary supervisor: Tom Bartindale

Online surveys are a widely used form of data collection in many fields. Rapid deployment of large scale surveys is now commonplace using online tools such as SurveyMonkey. These tools however are constrained in a number of ways:

- Participants are required to interact with the survey through a custom website or app.

- In most cases, the entire survey has to be completed in one session.

- There are no easy ways to seamlessly follow up with participants at a later date.

Primary supervisor: Roisin McNaney

Voice assistants are software agents installed in devices such as phones, computers or tablets, or on purpose-built speakers. They are capable of interpreting human speech and, depending on the command they receive, can complete different tasks (e.g. tell the time or the weather, send and read text messages, make phone calls, set alarms, play music, and control various connected devices). Currently, one in five homes in the UK own a voice assisted speaker, a figure which is predicted to rise significantly. As many as 40% in the US own one.