Supervisors in Information Technology, Monash University
Displaying 76 - 90 of 289 supervisors.

Assoc Prof Zongyuan Ge
Associate Professor Zongyuan Ge conducts interdisciplinary research at the boundary between Medical Artificial Intelligence, Computer-aided Diagnosis, Biomedical Engineering, Digital Health, Medical Imaging and Machine Learning and is a multi-award-winning medical information science and technology entrepreneur.

Dr Yasmeen George
Yasmeen is a Senior Lecturer with the data science and AI department at Monash Faculty of Information Technology with over a decade of interdisciplinary research experience in AI for healthcare analytics. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Melbourne in 2018. Her research focuses on the use of AI for automated medical image analysis for better management of various health conditions including, kidney/breast/skin cancer, glaucoma, psoriasis.

Dr Cagatay Goncu
I am a Research Fellow in the Inclusive Technologies and Immersive Analytics Labs at Monash University, Faculty of IT, Australia. I am developing software and hardware technologies that allow blind people access information anywhere without any barriers. My interests are in human computer interaction, wearable computing, computer vision and sport analytics. I am also the co-founder of RaisedPixels ( which is developing apps that provide blind people access to textual and graphical content on portable devices.

Dr Sarah Goodwin
I am interested in supervising highly creative and competent students to work on research projects that explore new visualisation techniques, interfaces or interactions that enable richer understanding of complex multi-dimensional geospatial data sets.
My own research investigates new geospatial visualisation techniques and user-centred visualisation design methodologies for helping see more from the growing complexity of large volumes of data.

Dr Mohammad Goudarzi
Mohammad is a Lecturer (i.e., to Assistant Professor) in the Department of Software Systems and Cybersecurity at Monash University. His research is centered on developing advanced solutions for large-scale distributed systems, with a particular focus on the Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud/Fog/Edge Computing, Applied Machine Learning, and Applied Security. Before joining Monash, Mohammad was a Senior Research Associate at UNSW Sydney and Cybersecurity CRC, where he collaborated with Cisco on a joint project.

Prof John Grundy
I have been Professor of Software Engineering since 2002 and for most of this time I have been working on "Automated Software Engineering" – developing techniques and tools to support software engineers (and often end users) in capturing requirements, designing, generating, testing and deploying complex software systems, very often by using human-centric visual modelling languages.

Dr Daniel Guimarans

Assoc Professor Reza Haffari
Automatic translation from one language to another using machines, aka machine translation (MT), has been one of the main goals of AI. The majority of the MT literature works at the sentencelevel, by treating the document to be translated as a bag of sentences and translating sentences independently. Coherent translation of documents is out of reach for current state-of-the-art MT systems, since several discourse phenomena cannot be translated correctly without referring to extra-sentential context.

Dr Daniel Harabor
I am interested in sequential decision-making problems of the type that appear in the areas of AI Planning and Heuristic Search. Often these problems involve one or more agents moving through a task environment. Our job in this case is to find a collision-free trajectory that brings each agent from an initial start location and to a desired target position. Such problems appear in many settings including Robotics, GPS Navigation and in Computer Games.

Dr Agnes Haryanto

Dr Matthieu Herrmann

Assoc Professor Rashina Hoda
I am an associate professor of software engineering in the Faculty of IT at Monash University and associate dean (academic development). My research focuses on human and social aspects of software engineering specialising in agile software development.