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Primary supervisor

Vincent Lee


  • Dr Ye Lu (department of Civil and Structural Engineering), Monash University

Issues and solutions exist on different aspects of the management of real-time data, such as persistence, visualisation, and online processing. This project is a research project to identify the significant issues of real-time data management in structural health monitoring (SHM), particularly for bridges, and implement an integrated software solution for enterprise usage. This project involves time series database design, visualisation and online processing of time series, and service-oriented and web-based software development.

Specific scope of works and deliverable are:

1.       A survey of issues on managing the real-time monitoring data of bridges,

2.       An integrated solution of real-time management, resolving the identified issues,

3.       A software system as a reference implementation of the proposing real-time data management solution,

4.       The project deliverable involves software engineering design, coding and testing.

Please note that this is a minor thesis project for units FIT5126, FIT5127 and FIT5128 on Clayton campus. Besides the project deliverables, the student also needs to achieve the assessment standard for these units. For the details, please check

Student cohort

Double Semester


Key aims of this project:

1) Understand, design and develop online algorithms for real-time data management.

2) Performance evaluation of the online algorithms

3) An essay leading to submission of a CORE A/A* International Conference or Journal (e.g. VLDB, Journal of software engineering, etc) article.


Some useful references

Thalmann, Daniel. "An interactive data visualization system." Software: Practice and Experience 14.3 (1984): 277-290.

Naqvi, Syeda Noor Zehra, Sofia Yfantidou, and Esteban Zimányi. "Time series databases and influxdb." Studienarbeit, Université Libre de Bruxelles (2017): 12.

Farrar, Charles R., and Keith Worden. "An introduction to structural health monitoring." New Trends in Vibration Based Structural Health Monitoring (2010): 1-17.

Ali, Syed Humair, et al. "Wireless Sensor Network–Based Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges Using Advanced Signal Processing Techniques." Journal of Testing and Evaluation 49.2 (2021).

Required knowledge

Students with following skills and areas of knowledge will be considered:

1.       Skills of developing web-based software,

2.       Basic skills of database design, development, and management,

3.       Understanding of data structure, design patterns and web services,

4.       Understanding of software development life cycle (SDLC) and methodologies,

5.       Understanding of web system security.

The following skills and areas of knowledge are also highly desired:

1.       Skills of developing RESTful web services using modern programming languages,

2.       Skills of developing single page app (SPA) using modern frontend development frameworks,

3.       Skills of using programming tools, such as version control and issue tracking tools,

4.       Understanding of time series database,

5.       Understanding of enterprise system architecture,

6.       Understanding of agile methods.