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Honours and Minor Thesis projects

Displaying 71 - 80 of 218 honours projects.

Primary supervisor: Zhaolin Chen


The early detection of neurological abnormalities through Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is crucial in the medical field, potentially leading to timely interventions and better patient outcomes. However, the traditional diagnostic process is often time-consuming and subject to human error. This project seeks to improve this aspect by employing deep learning for anomaly detection in MRI scans, exclusively using images from healthy participants for model training [1].

Primary supervisor: Agnes Haryanto
Mental health is an ongoing issue in Australia. The cause of mental health can be due to a variety of reasons: workplace culture, high workloads, job insecurity, disparity in pay, lack of career advancement opportunities and turnover intentions. Mental healthcare workers are not able to cope with it and are suffering from burnout. There is a need to ease mental healthcare workers' workload and provide consistent patient triage with the help of technology. The project aim is to investigate the existing approaches and tools in facilitating mental health workers to perform efficient patient care…
Primary supervisor: John Grundy

This is one of our CSIRO Next Generation AI Graduates projects: 

Note:  *** Must be Domestic Student i.e. Australian or New Zealand Citizen or Australian Permanent Resident *** for RAISE programme

Project Description

We have an existing product that focus on mid-market service or product delivery companies. The product is offering a community solution that offers support around a specific product or service. We want to increase its capabilities to offer smart content moderation and smart responses.

Primary supervisor: Yasmeen George

Problem Statement: The forensic identification of human remains is a critical legal process, culminating in the issuance of a death certificate by the appropriate authority. It is a multifaceted procedure that integrates scientific evidence—from antemortem records to advanced DNA analysis, forensic odontology, and anthropology—to match unidentified remains with missing persons.

Primary supervisor: Carsten Rudolph
This project will explore different aspects of intellectual property violations in generative machine learning . There is sufficient research work in this project for at least two students. However, individual sub-topics are rather independent and don't necessarily require group work. Topics can be summarised as follows:
  • First item
  • Second item
Primary supervisor: Wai Peng Wong

This project will apply feature selection techniques for identifying features that can effectively predict the Logistics Performance Index (LPI), building upon our previously published work [1].

Primary supervisor: Wai Peng Wong

This project aims to analyse the comments of Twitter  on non-communicable diseases.  Students are expected to carry out Aspects Detection to identify the specific aspects discussed in the tweets e.g., causes, transmission and symptoms. Subsequently,  students are expected to conduct sentiment analysis utilizing tools like TextBlob or VADER, while also taking into account the importance of considering emojis to enhance classification accuracy.

Primary supervisor: Buser Say

SCIPPlan is a mathematical optimisation based automated planner for domains with i) mixed (i.e., real and/or discrete valued) state and action spaces, ii) nonlinear state transitions that are functions of time, and iii) general reward functions. SCIPPlan iteratively i) finds violated constraints (i.e., zero-crossings) by simulating the state transitions, and ii) adds the violated constraints back to its underlying optimization model, until a valid plan is found. The purpose of this project is to improve the performance of SCIPPlan.

Primary supervisor: Raphaël C.-W. Phan


Cybersecurity researchers are contemplating how to best use the currently trending AI techniques to aid cybersecurity, beyond just for classification. 

The aim of this Honours project is to get the student to work with the supervisors on the latest AI techniques to adapt them over for cybersecurity, building first on baseline approaches for which code is available.

Primary supervisor: Ron Steinfeld

Cryptographic applications require a careful implementation to avoid side-channel attacks that reveal secret information to an attacker (e.g. via run-time measurements). In particular, for floating point arithmetic it is known that the timing of some basic arithmetic operations and functions on some CPUs depends on the input values [1], and thus the timing may leak secret information when the input contains secret values. Constant-time implementation tries to mitigate such run-time timing leakage on typical devices.