Classical propositional logic (CPL) captures our basic understanding of the linguistic connectives “and”, “or” and “not”. It also provides a very good basis for digital circuits. But it does not account for more sophisticated linguistic notions such as “always”, “possibly”, “believed” or “knows”. Philosophers therefore invented many different non-classical logics which extend CPL with further operators for these notions.
Honours and Minor Thesis projects
Displaying 1 - 10 of 218 honours projects.
Classical propositional logic (CPL) captures our basic understanding of the linguistic connectives “and”, “or” and “not”. It also provides a very good basis for digital circuits. But it does not account for more sophisticated linguistic notions such as “always”, “possibly”, “believed” or “knows”. Philosophers therefore invented many different non-classical logics which extend CPL with further operators for these notions.
Is the user paying attention? Is the content engaging enough?
The degree of concentration, enthusiasm, optimism, and passion displayed by individual(s) while interacting with a
machine is referred to as ‘user engagement’. Engagement is a positive psychological state characterized by active behavioral participation, positive emotional experiences, and intense cognitive focus. Being able to detect engagement and/or attention has wide applications in consumer commerce, smart cars, augmented reality etc.
Is the user paying attention? Is the content engaging enough?
The degree of concentration, enthusiasm, optimism, and passion displayed by individual(s) while interacting with a
machine is referred to as ‘user engagement’. Engagement is a positive psychological state characterized by active behavioral participation, positive emotional experiences, and intense cognitive focus. Being able to detect engagement and/or attention has wide applications in consumer commerce, smart cars, augmented reality etc.
Deepfakes detection deals with machine learning methods, which detect if an image/video/audio sample is manipulated with a generative AI software. In recent years, deepfakes have been increasingly used for malicious purposes, including financial fraud, misinformation campaigns, identity theft, and cyber harassment. The ability to generate highly realistic synthetic content poses a serious threat to digital security, privacy, and trust in media. This project will develop methods for detecting deepfakes.
Thanks to the widespread deployment of smart meters, high volumes of residential load data have been collected and made available to both consumers and utility companies. Smart meter data open up tremendous opportunities, and various analytical techniques have been developed to analyse smart meter data using machine learning. This project will provide a new angle toward energy data analytics and aims to discover the consumption patterns, lifestyle, and behavioural changes of consumers.
The world’s energy markets are transforming, and more renewable energy is integrated into the electric energy market. The intermittent renewable supply leads to unexpected demand-supply mismatches and results in highly fluctuating energy prices. Energy arbitrage aims to strategically operate energy devices to leverage the temporal price spread to smooth out the price differences in the market, which also generates some revenue.
Computational modelling of sign languages aims to develop technologies that can serve as means for understanding (i.e., recognising) and producing (i.e., generating) a particular sign language. The objective of this project is to study and contribute to the state-of-the-art in sign language segmentation.
This is a research project best for students who are independent and willing to take up challenges. It is also a good practice for students who wish to pursue further study at a postgraduate level.
Project Description:
The project is focused on developing game-based learning environments where the users’ trace or interaction data could be collected. The game-based environment needs to be designed to allow the users to navigate and explore at their own pace. Using the environment, the participants can practice their technical/professional skills from various options.