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Dr Mohammed Eunus Ali

Dr. Mohammed Eunus Ali, a Senior Lecturer (equivalent to Associate Professor in North America) in the Department of Software Systems and Cybersecurity at Monash University, earned his PhD in Computer Science and Software Engineering from the University of Melbourne in 2010. He previously served as a Professor at BUET, Bangladesh’s premier technical university, where he led a research group in Data Science and Engineering for over a decade. Dr. Eunus has held research roles at top Australian institutions, including Monash, Swinburne, Melbourne, and RMIT. His research, published in prestigious venues like TKDE, T-ITS, Information Systems, ICDE, and PVLDB, has received several awards, including the Bangladesh University Grants Commission Award (2012) and ADC Best Paper Award (2022). A Senior Member of the ACM, Dr. Eunus actively contributes to the research community, serving on program committees for leading conferences such as SIGMOD, VLDB, AAAI, and ICDE.