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Primary supervisor

Teresa Wang

A recommender system is a subclass of information filtering/retrieval system that provides suggestions for items that are most pertinent to a particular user without an explicit query. Recommender systems have become particularly useful in this information overload era and have played an essential role in many industries including Medical/Health, E-Commerce, Retail, Media, Banking, Telecom and Utilities (e.g., Amazon, Netflix, Spotify, Linkedin etc).

In the past years, we have witnessed the explosive growth of generative AI tools including ChatGPT, Claude etc. This project focuses on the exploration of how generative AI can be used to boost the performance of recommender systems. Some research has been done in this area but it is still in its very early stage. 

Student cohort

Double Semester

Required knowledge

excellent Python programming skill and experience in developing machine learning / deep learning algorithms;

familiar with machine learning foundations;