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Primary supervisor

Delvin Varghese

Radio is one of the primary modes in which communities across the world receive important information and build connection with wider society. Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) have long been leveraging radio, and in particular Community Radio


In many parts of the world, audio is the preferred interface for social interactions. There has been a huge push towards audio-based interfaces for engaging marginalised communities in rural and Developing countries contexts.

This project sits within the Human Computer Interaction area, and will look at designing either an online (radio) or offline (community radio) audio-interface for connecting communities.

This can be done by using low-cost digital technologies for designing radio infrastructure.For example, devices that can be configured for this purpose include Android phones or Raspberry Pis (to ensure that the solution is low-cost and accessible).

Radio microphone

Student cohort

Single Semester
Double Semester

Required knowledge

Students who have a programming background are encouraged to apply.