Ambulance Clinical Record Information Complexity |
Honours project |
Automated Video-based Epilepsy Seizure Classification and Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) Detection |
Honours project |
Clustering of (time series of) generalised dynamic Bayesian nets, etc. |
Research project |
Combating antimicrobial resistance through use of artificial intelligence and genomics |
Research project |
Combating antimicrobial resistance through use of genomics and artificial intelligence |
Research project |
Creating a turnkey solution to classify, predict and simulate behaviour from videos of rodents |
Research project |
Diagnosis of non-epileptic seizures using multimodal physiological data |
Honours project |
Does deep learning over-fit - and, if so, how does it work on time series? |
Honours project |
Does deep learning over-fit - and, if so, how does it work? |
Research project |
Effects of automation on employment - including post-COVID-19 |
Research project |
Effects of automation on employment - including post-COVID-19 |
Honours project |
Inference of chemical/biological networks: relational and structural learning |
Honours project |
Inference of chemical/biological networks: relational and structural learning |
Research project |
Machine learning analysis of gravitational waves |
Research project |
Machine learning for comparing energy appliance usage across different demographics |
Honours project |
Optimal clustering of DNA and RNA binding sites from de novo motif discovery using Minimum Message Length |
Research project |
Optimal clustering of DNA and RNA binding sites from de novo motif discovery using Minimum Message Length |
Honours project |
Pooling time series with common asynchronous trends - with energy and other applications |
Research project |
Precision medicine for paediatric brain cancer patients |
Research project |
Re-visiting hypothesis testing |
Research project |
Understanding material failure by machine learning analysis of pattern strains |
Research project |
Where does my electricity go? |
Honours project |