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Primary supervisor

Markus Wagner

The energy transition to net zero is in full swing! We at Monash University's Faculty of Information Technology (FIT) are in the unique position that we support the transition across an immensely broad range of topics: from model-predictive building control and community battery integration to wind farm optimisation and multi-decade investment planning, we support clever algorithms and data crunching to make decisions automatically and to let humans make informed decisions, too. 

Across FIT, we have at least one dozen academics working in the greater space of "energy" (optimisation, modelling, software, human-computer interaction, ...). We also work very much interdisciplinarily with colleagues from other faculties, e.g. on bio-diversity matters, on physical aspects, on modelling aspects, and on market design!

If this sounds like it may be of interest, get in touch with Markus, who acts as a facilitator across FIT and who will put you in touch with the right people then.

While our websites are being set up, those from the Monash Energy Institute will give you a first idea of the breadth of our activities:

Note: while only "Optimisation" is selected as the Research Area, please contact us if *anything* in the greater space of the net zero energy transition if of interest to you.

Relevant FIT colleagues include, in no particular order:
Sarah Goodwin, Hao Wang, Terrence Mak, Yolande Strengers, Sarah Pink, Maria Garcia de la Banda, John Grundy, Pierre Le Bodic, Peter Stuckey, Carsten Rudolph, Kari Dahlgren, ... and myself (Markus Wagner)

Student cohort

Single Semester
Double Semester