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A multi-layer architecture (the mobile-edge-cloud continuum) of federated learning for mobile health sensing data

Primary supervisor

Pari Delir Haghighi

Research area

Embodied Visualisation

Current federated learning architectures in mobile healthcare are limited to a centralised model without considering the full continuum of mobile-edge-cloud. Additionally, to support different data privacy needs of patients as well as the limitations of mobile environments, there is a need for considering a multi-level federated learning architecture for the mobile-edge-cloud continuum.

The project aims to improve efficiency and privacy of federated learning for mobile health sensing data by proposing a multi-level (mobile-edge-cloud continuum) federated learning architecture and develop context-aware models and schemes for optimising distribution, storage and processing of tasks and data in each layer.

Required knowledge

Distributed systems (mobile, edge and cloud computing) knowledge and programming skills

Federated learning knowledge and skills

Familiarity with processing and analysing sensory data

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