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Measuring The Birrarung: Data Fusion and Optimisation

Primary supervisor

Peter Stuckey


  • Regen Melbourne + Monash Water Sensitive Cities

This project will result in a much fuller understanding of the state of the Birrarung than is currently possible, as well as qualitative and quantitative results to model different interventions and their effect on swimmability.

The project will build tools and techniques to understand and decide on effective interventions to improve the Birrarung’s swimmability.

The aim of this project is to first build a data fusion solution from existing available data sources about the Birrarung to gain a more global understanding of its state. Using this knowledge the student will investigate questions such as:

  • ○  Where does geographical lack of data about the Birrarung make it hard to estimate its state?

  • ○  How can we best supplement lack of data: by citizen science, new instrumentation, or modelling methods such as kriging; to gain a fuller understanding of the river state.

  • ○  How we can effectively measure the effect of interventions in terms of improving overall river health / water quality to increase the swimmability corridor along the river length.

  • ○  How we should plan interventions to maximise the improvement of the river’s swimmability given limited resources.

Required knowledge

The student should have significant computer science skills with some knowledge about data handling, and ideally some experience with both data fusion, optimisation and environmental modelling (although we are highly unlikely to find a student meeting all these criteria).

Project funding

Project based scholarship

Learn more about minimum entry requirements.