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[Malaysia] GenAI, Let There Be Pictures (Master's / Honours project)

Primary supervisor

Raphaël C.-W. Phan


Using Adobe Photoshop to generate or edit images is old news, we don't need to edit using our hand and mouse, nor even a stylus pen.  All we need to do is command the gen AI to do it.

Right now the AI literature is trending with many techniques that enable to generate or edit realistic pictures by simply describing them: let there be pictures.


Student cohort

Double Semester


The focus of this Master's / Honours thesis is to build on one or more such gen AI techniques (also known as text-to-image - TTI), to improve from certain features or overcome any restrictions e.g. bias.  Passionate students may connect to the main supervisor's PhD students who currently research on such TTI models for pointers and/or comments.



Required knowledge
