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Enhancing Dental Education with ChatGPT: Investigating Performance, Interaction, and Language Considerations

Primary supervisor

Derry Wijaya

Despite the needs of stakeholders, which dental institutions as primary focus in this paper, the feasibility of integrating artificial intelligence (AI), specifically Language Models (LLMs), whether in a broad context or within specific environments such as dental education, is an active area of research. Studies related to AI applications, both in education or dental health institutions, suggest that ChatGPT's performance needs to be considered from various perspectives. While ChatGPT is utilized across diverse subject domains by various users, previous studies have revealed variations in its performance quality. Notably, ChatGPT excels in critical and higher-order thinking tasks within fields like economics, but its performance may not be as satisfactory in domains such as law, mathematics, and medical education. This review builds upon previous research on the use of AI, specifically ChatGPT, within dental education. It investigates several key areas including ChatGPT's capacity to match the assessments of human experts on dental education tasks. This study aims to explore how AI/LLMs could become practical tools in dental health, a field impacting many people. A deeper understanding of these aspects could provide insights relevant to dental education and even broader applications like direct patient interactions.

Student cohort

Double Semester