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Understanding and detecting mis/disinformation

Primary supervisor

Monica Whitty

Research area


Mis/disinformation (also known as fake news), in the era of digital communication, poses a significant challenge to society, affecting public opinion, decision-making processes, and even democratic systems. We still know little about the features of this communication, the manipulation techniques employed, and the types of people who are more susceptible to believing this information.

This project extends upon Prof Whitty's work in this field to address one of the issues above.

Required knowledge

Cybersecurity is an interdisciplinary field. There is an urgent need to build up talent in human factors in cybersecurity. This PhD will provide the candidate with a unique pathway into industry or academia in an under-developed domain.

You will, therefore, need to have an honours degree or Masters in psychology or a related social science field (e.g., business studies, criminology, sociology). The reason for this is that the candidate will need to be trained in theories about humans and experimental methods.

Meet H1E requirements for Monash FIT PhD entry.

Project funding


Learn more about minimum entry requirements.