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Fingerprint detection from images and videos using machine learning

Primary supervisor

Thanh Thi Nguyen

This project aims to develop robust algorithms capable of identifying and analyzing fingerprints extracted from both static images and video footage. Machine learning techniques, particularly computer vision and pattern recognition methods, will be utilized to automate the process of fingerprint detection. These methods will be trained to learn patterns from fingerprint features and detect them using object detection approaches. A dataset of fingerprint images and videos, annotated with ground truth information will be collected. Our focus will be on evaluating the forensic value of images and/or frames in videos. It is important to note that fingerprints are to be detected, but not used for identification. This project addresses the need for reliable and efficient methods to extract and analyze fingerprints from various sources.

Required knowledge

  • Python programming
  • Machine learning background
  • Image analysis
  • Video analysis

Learn more about minimum entry requirements.